

Wazzername?  Noneotherthan The Gorgeous Ms. "M"?

Welcome back Barb... Your banter and wit are just what I need to start
my day.  (along with Anne's, who hasn't been gone, but has
somehowbeen missing too)

SSSSSSoooooooo.... welcome back Barb and Anne.

(Anne, I can't imagine the gorgeous Ms. "M" with a cookin' pot on her
head dancin' 'roun doin' some Johnny Appleseed stufff......... Nah.....)

Now, tryin' t' make Bill Gates and his boys jump through hoops.... that I
can imagine....

Don't be disheartened Barb, the US Supreme Court couldn't make Bill
jump through their hoops either........

Cheers .......... murray

On 11 Jan 2001, at 1:05, Barbara Mallut wrote:
> Yup.. that's  right... it IS me... and nope... I haven't been out
> spending the past 3 months searching for pink flamingos! <grin> (newer
> List members, that's an "in joke")
> No sireeee... over the past 3 months or so, I've logged over 25 hours on
> the phone talking with Microsoft's tech support personnel, generally
> getting absolutely nowhere.  Finally two MIS experts from mydaughter's
> company came over to me home and stripped down the 'puter to it's base
> bones.  They worked on that darn machine until they identified the
> problem which was caused by MSN software that had been an alpha test
> program dating back to my employment with MSN.
> Anyway, there is no way to fix the problem short of changing software
> which I did a few days ago.  So please note, m'friends, I'm back online
> and am able to access email once again. however, if you expect me to get
> any email ya might send me, my new email address is:
> [log in to unmask]
> It's good to "see" ya all once again.
> Barb Mallut

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