

Sylvia Berger kindly called our attention to this:
0831550&c=Parkinson%27s&count=10 .

It's a nice 'news' article. For a recent discussion of this
issue, more 'scientific' than 'news', see the Tanner
editorial in JAMA (the Journal of the Medical Association of
America [i.e., US]):

TANNER CM. Dopamine agonists in early therapy for Parkinson
Disease. JAMA October 18,2000; 284 (15): 1971-1973.

This reviews all the uncertainties related to the

Diagnosed some ten months ago, I recently started taking
medication. After extensive research, and consultation with
my neurologist, I opted for agonist monotherapy and decided
to try Permax [pergolide]. After about five weeks, I say:
so far, so good. Essentially no ill effects, and there is
substantial control of bothersome symptoms.

I hope to submit more on this topic in the near future.

BTW, it is frequently said that agonist monotherapy for
early PD should be considered [only] for younger patients.
Nonetheless, I - aged 67 - chose that path and, so far, have
no reason to doubt the wisdom of my choice.

Ben Winter