

It is Saturday, and I have wandered around, doing whatever I do on Saturday.
I turn on the computer and--POW--another round of "you can't put that on the
list;" "Oh, yes, I can put it on the list;"  "No, you can't;" "Yes, I can."
I found this list at the end of November, 2000, which means I have less than
two months' time on the list, and this is, at least, the third time  that the
list has gone through this argument, the same argument over and over again.
And I, personally, don't want to hear this again.  There has to be a
resolution of this conflict; too much energy and time has been expended on
this already.

All I can think of, in the short term, is that we all very carefully label
our postings so that we all know what it is in each posting, and, then, each
person makes his or her decision as to what to do with that posting.  Not
very original, but, as a short term measure, it might be acceptable.   Then,
maybe there needs to be a committee to address the issue of the content of
the listings; maybe the owner's present committee would be appropriate.
Clearly, if the owner of the list continues to maintain that the list is
available to all, and not just to PWP, and by the way that is what the
Charter says, then what comes with that decision is an almost automatic
diversification of the content of the postings on the list.  There should be
postings which appeal to me, the PWP; there should also be postings which
appeal to the caregivers, etc.  I don't think that any one group, or
interest, can dictate, any more, what is the content of the postings because
the owner has made it clear that this is a diversified list.  Obviously we
have to follow the Charter and what it says about the content of the
postings.  And, I think, as well as others do based upon recent postings,
that there has been an excess of  postings lately which do not conform to the
Charter.  I think that this is being addressed.  We all saw the Charter
posted again on the list for our guidance.

We have to find a way to stop stepping on each other.  One thing that is
clear is that we are all going to be on this list together, like it or not.
If we keep stepping on each other, and using all our energies to wage war
against each other, we will have nothing left to wage war against the
important stuff, you know, PD.  It can't be that hard to find a workable
resolution to that old argument.    Katie