

Phil's list of pro & con reasons for Bush to go for Stem Cell Research is a
good analysis of the problem.
I suggest a formal committee to visit the Governor of Wisconsin and grab his
ear before he is hit by the anti-group. Perhaps under the supervision or
umbrella of PAN/MJFox or NPF or APDA or all of the above. Throw in the
Alliance, I'm sure we can count on them. Any further development ideas? Any
one with an idea how to get to Pres-to-be-Bush. Other Cabinet members of
extra concern that we should try to contact. Speak up.
Sid Levin
PS To those of you against stem cell research using left-over fertilized eggs
from invitro programs, please let us know whether you prefer the eggs be
destroyed (as they are  if not donated for research) or just what alternative
you propose. The PIEN is a democratic forum and ALL opinions should be freely
expressed when fighting Parkinson's is the issue. We all have a stake in this
and should learn from each other. Even if I don't agree with you, I care
about your ideas and reasons.