

I wrote radio host Leonard "Chy" Casavant of PD radio talk show:

"I attempted to listen to your live radio interview with Janet Patterson
last night and wasn't entirely successful.  Initially,
it came through without a problem and then it began to break up
and I couldn't follow it.  Today I went to your homepage to get
the MP3 file to download and only 4 from August are listed.
How and where do I get a copy of this file?

 Thank you for your help. Gail Vass

"Leonard W Casavant" <[log in to unmask]> wrote back:

John Lester Webmaster for MGH is updating the tapes. He
has about 15 to add now and I will be sending him more.
They will all be able to be heard streaming or real time.
It takes about a week to receive tape from radio station
and I usually wait till I have a few before I send to John.
The technology is stilll a bit hit or miss for streamaudio.
There are a lot of great guests on tape and more to come.