

Johnny Cash's New Diagnosis

Man in Black says he's suffering from autonomic neuropathy, not
Shy-Drager syndrome

January 11, 2001
  by Emily Farache

  The Man in Black's list of medical maladies has just gotten a
bit longer.

  Johnny Cash, the music legend known for his hard living
and equally hard suffering, says he has something known as
autonomic neuropathy.

  It isn't a disease, specifically, but rather a group of
symptoms involving the central nervous system. According
to, autonomic neuropathy affects about 8 out
of 100,000 people and its symptoms include blood pressure problems,
body temperature fluctuations, dizziness, unintentional weight loss and

  The new diagnosis comes after Cash, 68, announced last October that
he didn't have Shy-Drager syndrome, nor did he suffer from Parkinson's

  According to Cash, his doctor told him if he'd had Shy-Drager, he
wouldn't have lived this long. <SNIP>

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Judith Richards, London, Ontario, Canada
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