

as most know jack went to er twice thur. they treated him for impaction and had me take him home at 10:30pm a strong friend
helped me to get him was freezing out and sam and i couldn't get him to stand up as jack collapsed in our arms.i ran into house for my pc chair on wheels and a blanket set jack down and cover him .he turned grey and glassy eyed scared both of us . called paramedics and it took 4 of them to get jack on stretcher- he was so stiff.i refused to go back with them and called er -told them he was on way and that i wasn't going to pick him up again. i felt mean but thought it best to make er dr. responsible for jack 
 he was admitted into hospital around midnight. our dear dr. win
was supposed to be on vacation but went into check jack herself.
he had artial fibrilation so she tested him for heart trouble -all tested fine and she said it was likely due to stress from his being given too strong a laxitive. dr to play safe gave him diogen and kept him under observation till sat. his blood pressure peaked once without heart med so dr. wouldn't release him till sunday. she even again saw him after church and explained that he could come home  with med for heart to be safe ans not have him worried till she gets back from vacation.a son-in-law brought him home and helped put him to bed.
  talk about service--mon. nurse came tocheck him out.-tues.the occupational therapist showed up.--wed. physical theripist arrived
also ladt came from home health mon.-wed.-fri. for 4 hrs. each day
it was grand hotel with all comings and goings.
   11:30 wed. nite our power went out and with 2 feet snow we were out 40+ hrs. our house temp at warmest spot was 60 deg. and you can imagine me going around with flashlight trying to take care of wet bedding ans diapers plus feeding dear guy. 3:30 am jack said to build fire and so got about 2 hrs sleep 2 nites. no complaints from me tho because of all the wonderful help.
   i am grateful for so many blessings just wished to tell you even in a cabin in mts. life is never dull for me.
 a strong friend drove us and when we tried to get him out