

Photon Drive.

The throbbing of the Photon Drive,
A reminder that I am still alive.
I awoke from the long artificial sleep,
Now is my time of watch to keep.
Five years have passed not even a dream,
I walk to the computer aided screen.
I check the sleeping cocoons of the crew,
The sleeping quarters look like new.
Another check, all is as it should be,
Now is the time to take a look at me.
Fresh hot coffee from a flask,
What more could an astronaut ask.
From a tube I eat a hot meal,
I take the secret papers and break the seal.
The orders take me to Aldebaran,
This is my part of the space plan.
Four more years at full speed,
For back on Earth there is great need.
Need for room to expand,
On earth there is no free land.
The Population has exploded no more room,
Transporters are built, evacuation soon.
In two more years I will awake the Crew,
For there will be much work to do.
We will look for Planets just like Earth,
Where we can cope with over populations birth.
For two more years I will be alone,
The ship is mine, My very own.
I feel the throbbing of the Photon Drive,
My am I glad just to be alive.

© Bernard Shaw
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