

Dear friends,

  Camilla  Flintermann has just sent me an off-list
message about the phoning I requested from those PIEN
list members who feel that calls would help me.
She  wrote me after having heard from a concerned
CARE list member, who is an attorney.

  He believes that I ought to withdraw my request for
phone calls of support to 207 - 287-3610 , the office
of the Hearings Officer who will decide my case.

  Such phoning could hurt me, and backfire.
It could be misunderstood  It coulod be viewed
as a pressure tactic, rather  than as a groundswell.

   I  had hoped that the calls might show that we are
a Parkinson's community that is widespread, supportive
of each other, and although not especially visible,  still
 able to show its numbers in a very  civil  fashion.

  I also thought that with all the PAN activity to get
the Udall law passed behind us, phoning sometimes
is very needed to ensure our community's voice is heard.

  I thought  honestly  that some phone calls  would
clarify that I do not stand alone among PWP's, and that there
are many PWP's who are hoping for a successful
appeal to keep my much-needed 13 hours per day
of at-home care,  of each 24-hour period.

I find it  rather hard to disagree with Camilla. I always look to
her for wisdom, and yet, I am anxious that we PWP's
will all lose ground if muy appeal loses.

SO, I guess I don't quite know what to suggest now,
except that Camilla is concerned that my case
not be lost, and I am very grateful to her for
that concern!

I hope that a few people will write ,  so that a
consensus  of " where do we go from here" can emerge.

 I sincerely apologize if I have suggersted doing
something that overrides  some of the members'
personal  boundaries.

Ivan Suzman

On Fri, 19 Jan 2001 10:52:08 -0500 Camilla Flintermann
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
> Ivan-- I feel I should pass this warning along to you--