

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        51/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses         13  deg. F   :-)

Dear Ken,  Camilla, and PIEN'ers

My health is worsening this winter. ISome of
this is  definitely stress-related.  I am trying to
manage in the face of a HUGE cut in my home
care hours.

There is NOW  an opportunity  for anyone to
 express your concerns about
my care being cut from 13 to 5 hours per day.

This is  about to be decided.

PLEASE, anyone who wishes to support me,
you can place a telephone call to
the office of Mr. Ron Stoodley,
in the Maine DHS.

 He will decide whether I get my
care hours restored  to 13, or not.
I have had 13 hours since 1998.

 His office is staffed by Barbara, Cathy and Caetlin,
and can be reached at this phone number:

  207 287 - 3610.

Camilla, please send this message
to the PD caregivers' listserve if
that is possible.

Two nearby APDA support groups have also
called Mr. Stoodley's office today.  These are Capitol District
(Maine) and Greater Portland (Maine).
They tell me that the Maine DHS admits
that it does not understand YOPD, and
needs to learn about it.

the people whose decisions rule my immediate future.

Thank you,  friends.

Ivan Suzman 51/39/36

On Mon, 15 Jan 2001 23:01:53 EST [log in to unmask] writes:
> Good luck, Ivan, I hope you prevail and in doing so can help the
> others in
> your same predicament.
> Ken Becker