

Peas In A Pod.

How many peas are there in a pod?
What a silly question. you might find it odd.
What does it matter I can hear you say,
Ten or twenty does it really pay.
Now if you were a Gardener with a large plot,
Ten peas are few, Twenty peas are a lot.
And in the canning factory,where they can those peas,
Twenty in a pod is a thing to please.
Or when it comes to lunch and you sit down to eat,
Would ten peas or twenty make your meal complete.
You see it matters rather a lot,
As to how many peas you put into your pot.
If you spill those peas on the kitchen floor,
To have to pick them up, would be quite a bore.
When those peas are in the pods growing on the plants,
I am sure that they are lined up for a dance.
I ask you all once again, how many peas in a pod?
Those that know the answer just give your head a nod.

© Bernard Shaw

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