

Hi All, Health Your A to Z Guide to the Year in Medicine
TIME reviews the advances and setbacks — from AIDS cocktails to zinc
supplements — that made 2000 such a remarkable year for patients and
doctors alike.,8599,93989,00.html

Parkinson's Disease
In an important step forward for both Parkinson's research and the
struggling field of gene therapy, scientists in Chicago used a gene that
boosts dopamine production and strengthens brain cells to successfully
treat monkeys showing symptoms of the neurodegenerative disorder.
By injecting a virus containing the GDNF (glial-derived neurotrophic
factor) gene directly into monkeys' brains, scientists stimulated cell
growth in areas normally injured by Parkinson's and reduced symptoms
of the disease, such as hand tremors. Although success in primates
doesn't mean success in humans, researchers hope to start clinical trials
in humans within five years.

(Ahhh, that elusive FIVE years!)

What about the Amgen trials?

Cheers .........  murray
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