

>    G'day again from the Siren City of the South  Pacific(Sydney,of
>course). I have been suffering frequently recently that  horribly
>amorphous internal tremor and I was hoping to receive/exchange info  about
>this blight on sleep.Only this morning I visited my neuro and he seems
>rather bemused by it.I would be deeply grateful for any info.I would be
>delighted to help in any way I can in return.   Address  --
>[log in to unmask]   PS A big thank you to the people who contacted me  on

Hi Tom--- In his long post re: secondary symptoms, J.R.Bruman notes the
following, and mentions internal tremor.  :

EXTERNAL MOVEMENT PROBLEMS (cont.)                         3

TREMOR:       A rhythmic reciprocating motion which may or may
not be noticed, or voluntarily suppressed, by the PWP. All
tremors result from failure of the feedback loop, that is, imbalance or
mis-timing between a signal that tells a muscle
to act and the corresponding signal that tells it when to stop.
In engineering terms, the system oscillates. Some PWP report
internal tremors in various parts of the body. Tremor is one
of the 3 cardinal symptoms of PD, evidently arising from a
defect in supply or employment of dopamine. It often abates
or disappears under therapy, either medicinal or surgical.
Tremor of a different kind also appears in dyskinesia, to be
discussed later, resulting from an excess of dopamine. When
disabling tremor is of primary concern and does not respond
to drug therapy, surgery is a last resort. Since tremor seems
to originate in the thalamus, or more precisely the subthalamic
nucleus, that is the site of choice for the electrode, either
for ablation (destruction) or for chronic deep-brain stimulation.

I suggest you could also put your question to the "Ask Dr. Lieberman"
section of the NPF website:
> You need to "join" but it's free and easy.
>Peter has also spoken oif this tremor --rarely-- but he doesn;t have much
>external tremor either.  Good luck!

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
            <[log in to unmask]>

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