

On 26 Jan 2001, at 19:15, Bernard Barber,Ph.D. posted:

> Bush Won't Fund Stem Cell Research

> WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush said Friday that federal money
> should not be used for research on fetal tissue or on so-called
> stem cells derived from abortions, the week-old administration's
> third statement on the divisive abortion issue.

What a loss.

As others have said on this list in the past, you can be pro-life and
also support government funding of fetal research.

Just as you can favor transplants of donated organs from victims of
auto accidents while being opposed to auto accidents,
likewise, you can favor use of donated aborted fetuses in
government funded research while being opposed to government
funded abortion.

A shame "W" didn't figure that out.

Phil Tompkins
Amherst MA
age 63/dx 1990