

Hi All,
I find this encouraging... murray


Las Vegas Sun
January 22, 2001 at 14:28:13 PST
Stem Cell Research Racing Ahead
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A team of researchers carefully injects vials of
some of science's most precious yet contentious cells into the spinal
cords of monkeys stricken with a Lou Gehrig's-like disease.
It's a pivotal new experiment that tries to determine if stem cells --
"master cells" found in human embryos and fetuses that give rise to all
human tissue -- can regrow healthy neurons, a necessary step to treat
incurable, deadly Lou Gehrig's.
And it comes at a pivotal time: Scientists who contend stem cells' unique
growth ability could lead to revolutionary therapies are nervously
watching whether the new Bush administration will heed anti-abortion
calls to block federal funding of stem cell research.
Even if it does, the monkey experiment -- an important step toward
gaining Food and Drug Administration permission to one day test stem
cells in desperate patients -- won't stop. The researchers from Harvard,
Johns Hopkins and Yale universities are privately funded by Project
ALS, a group raising millions for Lou Gehrig's research.
But the scientists, who report promising early signs in the first-treated
monkeys, say public funding would greatly speed the hunt for therapies
for numerous other diseases, from Parkinson's to diabetes, by letting
researchers now banned from such work get involved. The first grants
from the National Institutes of Health are expected this spring.
"To revoke this at this point I think would really be damaging," says
Hopkins stem cell pioneer Dr. John Gearhart, a researcher on the monkey
On the other side, anti-abortion activists call it immoral to use the cells
because they originally came from embryos discarded by fertility clinics
or from aborted fetuses. Even Pope John Paul II condemned such
research last summer.
Congress bans federally funded research that destroys human embryos.
President Bush has agreed. Taking stem cells from embryos, done when
the embryos are the size of a period at the end of a sentence, does
destroy them.
The critical distinction: Privately funded researchers already have culled
embryonic cells and then multiplied them in laboratory dishes to create
"cell lines." The NIH plans to fund only research using already grown
cell lines so NIH-funded scientists never touch an actual embryo.
Critics call that a technicality. Bush's nominee to head the Health and
Human Services Department, Tommy Thompson, would oversee NIH
and decide the issue. As Wisconsin's governor, he publicly praised
University of Wisconsin scientists who created the first embryonic stem
cell line as medical pioneers, but on Friday he dodged the funding
Regardless of the political wrangling, science is racing ahead. Already,
Harvard's Dr. Evan Snyder, lead researcher on the monkey project, and
Gearhart are talking with the FDA about how much animal testing is
needed before stem cell implants might be tried in people.
Testing people probably won't happen for another few years, despite
early optimism about the monkey project.
When Hopkins and Harvard researchers tested mice partly paralyzed by
Lou Gehrig's, stem cells restored movement and helped some live longer.
Nobody is sure if the stem cells grew new motor neurons or cranked out
chemicals to help damaged neurons recover.
But "we're cautiously optimistic," Snyder said -- enough to take the big
leap of trying stem cells in primates, the species most genetically similar
to people.
Scientists simulate Lou Gehrig's in monkeys by killing certain motor
neurons in their spinal cords, disabling the corresponding limbs. Snyder
calls promising early signs that the first stem cells then implanted are
starting to grow.
Critics say scientists should instead use stem cells found in some adult
tissues like blood, avoiding the embryo controversy.
Numerous scientists are testing adult stem cells, but even they caution
that these older, more evolved stem cells may not be as flexible so it's
too soon to abandon any approach.
"Our job is to get the biology done," Snyder said. "If we do our job
correctly, the story will be so compelling the government and the
population will see this is biologically effective ... and a lot of the ethical
issues will simply go away. We're not going to have to keep going back
and getting new embryos or fetuses."
EDITOR'S NOTE -- Lauran Neergaard covers health and medical issues
for The Associated Press in Washington.
