

Hi Murray,

Mrray Charters wrote:

> Hi All,
> It didn't take George Dubya long to establish his position....
> Unfortunately, I believe we won't have to wait long for a
> negative move  --  on stem cell research.    .........  murray
> **********************
> Battle cries: Bush order sparks abortion firestorm
> by Andrew Miga and Laurel J. Sweet
> Tuesday, January 23, 2001
> WASHINGTON - President George W. Bush, despite his inaugural pleas
> for unity, yesterday plunged into one of the nation's most bitterly
> divisive fights, banning federal funds for groups providing abortion
> counseling overseas.
> ``It is my conviction that taxpayer funds should not be used to pay for
> abortions or advocate or actively promote abortion either here or
> abroad,'' Bush wrote in a memo to the U.S. Agency for International
> Development, which runs the international funding program......

These people have no idea of the harm they will do for billion of people around
the world but mostly as a boomerang effect mostly to the americans.....then years
later the much greater taxpayer funds will be directed to build walls like the
chinese or Berlin walls in theirs borders and along theirs shores , in vain trial
to avoid the invasion of poor and famine people looking for a better way to
survive in life...they should start to believe that not only economy is a global
phenomena in the modern world .... so is ecology , climate, virus diseases
etc,etc.....and all this is connected to the actual exaggerated world population
growth , that is without family planning .

Joao Paulo - Salvador,BA,Brazil
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