

Keeping a low profile on this issue is wise, I believe.   GWB does NOT
approve of funding for stem cell research, and the very vocal Right to Life
coalition is adamantly and loudly opposed to it.  We also don't yet know
which way the Ashcroft nomination will go, and how much impact he would have
on that decision if he becomes AG.  I can tell you that he spoke in front of
a CCC group last year (tape replayed recently on C-Span) and stem cell
research was the FIRST thing he mentioned.  He literally shook with rage when
he talked about it.

If I were a betting person, I'd bet that at the very least there'll be no
federal money for stem cell research.  I'd also be inclined to bet on an
outright ban, but perhaps if research goes on quietly, with little or no
fanfare or media attention, it can continue.

Margie Swindler