

Samson and Delilah

Samson was a man of very great strength,
To prove it he would go to any length.
As a young man a Lion he killed,
Just brute strength he was not very skilled.
His God gave him this wonderful power,
To save the country of Israel, at the right hour.
All went well until Delilah he met,
But the time was not right, at least not yet.
A Philistine woman, beautiful and bold,
She a conniving person with a heart so cold.
Delilah gave Samson a favour or two,
She was just deceitful and not at all true.
God had told Samson not to cut his hair,
By obeying God he had the strength of a Bear.
Samson's secret that only he knew,
Delilah got out of him in a week or two.
When his defences were down his head she did shave,
With his strength now gone the philistines made him a slave.
His enemies the philistines burned out his eyes,
For Samson no more looks to the skies
With Gods help and by biding his time,
His hair grew again for hers was a terrible crime.
Leading him to the pillars that held the temple walls,
Samson pulled those pillars and the mighty temple falls.
For his strength was unbending and he had broken Delilah's spell,
As for the Philistines they are all to be found in hell.

© Bernard Shaw

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