

At 14:59 2001/01/27 +0100, wrote:
>Samson and Delilah
>Samson was a man of very great strength,
>To prove it he would go to any length.
>As a young man a Lion he killed,
>Just brute strength he was not very skilled.
>His God gave him this wonderful power,
>To save the country of Israel, at the right hour.
>All went well until Delilah he met,
>But the time was not right, at least not yet.
>A Philistine woman, beautiful and bold,
>She a conniving person with a heart so cold.
>Delilah gave Samson a favour or two,
>She was just deceitful and not at all true.
>God had told Samson not to cut his hair,
>By obeying God he had the strength of a Bear.
>Samson's secret that only he knew,
>Delilah got out of him in a week or two.
>When his defences were down his head she did shave,
>With his strength now gone the philistines made him a slave.
>His enemies the philistines burned out his eyes,
>For Samson no more looks to the skies
>With Gods help and by biding his time,
>His hair grew again for hers was a terrible crime.
>Leading him to the pillars that held the temple walls,
>Samson pulled those pillars and the mighty temple falls.
>For his strength was unbending and he had broken Delilah's spell,
>As for the Philistines they are all to be found in hell.
>© Bernard Shaw
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what a sad tale!


janet paterson, an akinetic rigid subtype parkie
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