

Hi All,
This is what the scientests wanted....  murray

Star Tribune
To be published Tuesday, January 23, 2001
House of Lords approves change to allow embryo cloning for research
Associated Press
LONDON -- The House of Lords approved a proposed change to
government regulations Monday that makes Britain the first country to
effectively legalize the creation of cloned human embryos.
The measure is aimed at allowing research on so-called stem cells -- the
unprogrammed master cells found in early stage embryos that can turn
into nearly every cell type in the body. Like all other embryos used in
research, the clones created under the new regulations would have to be
destroyed after 14 days, and the creation of babies by cloning would
remain outlawed.

Carrying placards of cloned sheep, anti-cloning demonstrators walk
away from
London's Houses of Parliament Monday after police asked them to leave
the area.
The change passed late Monday after an amendment that would have
delayed it was defeated. The new regulations will take effect Jan. 31.
Before the measure won approval, an impassioned debate on the topic
ran into the night.
Many lords said they were concerned that ethical worries were being
sidelined in the rush to be at the forefront of medical research. They
proposed an amendment that would have withheld approval of the
government's propos
al until after the ethical, moral and scientific issues surrounding the research had been studied by a specially created committee.
The amendment was defeated 212 to 92, with the lords saying the ethical issues should be debated by a special committee later. That cleared the way for the cloning measure's approval.
Hope is on stem cells
Fertility expert Lord Winston, who chairs the House of Lords' Science and Technology Committee, spoke out strongly in favor of embryo research.
"There is no doubt that on your vote, my Lords, depends whether some people in the near future get the treatment which might save them from disease or, even worse, death," he said.
The change relaxes the rules that limit medical research on human embryos under the 1990 Human Fertilization and Embryology Act, which permitted research on donated embryos only for strictly limited purposes, including st
udies on infertility and the detection of birth defects.
Regulators will now be allowed to expand the types of research permitted under the act so that scientists can use embryos to investigate the potential of stem cells, which experts say could revolutionize medicine, offerin
g the possibility of transplants that would prevent or cure illnesses from Parkinson's disease to diabetes.
The Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority, which polices embryo research, has promised to consider cloning applications for some types of research, such as stem-cell experiments. Those inevitably would involve clon
ing of embryos, because the goal is to treat patients with perfectly matching tissue transplants.
Peers heard during the debate that it could take as long as a year for the first research permits to be granted and that a breakthrough in the field could take another 10 years.
An embryo is essentially a ball of stem cells that evolves into a fetus when the stem cells start specializing to create a nervous system, spine and other features -- at about 14 days. Scientists hope that by extracting t
he stem cells from the embryo when it is three or four days old, their
growth can be directed in a lab to become any desired cell or tissue type
for transplant.
The hope is that one day it will be possible to grow neurons to replace
nerve cells in a brain killed by Parkinson's disease, skin to repair burns
and pancreatic cells to produce insulin for diabetics.
Scientists would create a clone of a sick patient by removing the nucleus
of a donor egg and replacing it with that of a cell from the patient. The
egg would be induced to divide and start growing into an embryo. The
cloned cells would be genetically identical to the patient's and therefore
theoretically overcome problems of transplant rejection, which happens
because the immune system fights foreign tissue.
"The human embryo has a special status, and we owe a measure of
respect to the embryo," said Health Minister Lord Hunt of Kings Heath,
who supports the change.
"We also owe a measure of respect to the millions of people living with
these devastating illnesses and the millions who have yet to show signs
of them. This is the balance we must make."
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