

Sandy-- so glad you have your folks to help you through this.  Sounds
pretty uncomfortable. Have you checked with oral surgeon re: what meds you
can't have ?  We'll be rooting for you !

>Hello My list family,
>I just got back from a surgical consultation.  On February 6,2001 I will be
>going in for mouth surgery to have 4 teeth cut out of my mouth.  I will be
>staying with my parents starting on the 5th of February.  I would appreciate
>your prayers.  Surgery of any kind always taxes the Pd and recovery takes
>time.  God has blessed me with two wonderful caregivers, my Mama and Daddy.
>Also keep in your thoughts and prayers that my recovery will go quickly so
>that my parents can go on a scheduled 42nd Anniversary trip on February the
>11th to Buloxi, Mississippi.  They deserve all the best.  Thanks for the
>ever present support and loving shoulder that I always find available here.
>Much love,
>Sandy Norris
>The joy of the Lord is my strength.
>"You will find as you look back on your life that moments when you have
>truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of
>love."  Henry Drummond

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
            <[log in to unmask]>

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