

Dear Listfriends,

today a  poem that I wrote  for Faye's mother.  She has been in hospital
from the end of June till Christmas. After that she went to a rehab in
Austin and the last 4 weeks she is in Waco in a rehab. Faye's father has
been our guest since June. The hospital is in Temple, about 3/4 hour from
our place. Then in November Faye's father had an open heart surgery for 3
bypasses. In the meantime we moved to another temporarily place. From
december 4 - 25 we were in Holland. Our year 2000 was a very busy year. We
are now talking about getting Faye's parents together in a home again. We
started  the year better !!!

Warm Greetings,


Never Give Up !!

Everyone knows these three words,
But not all of us know how it really is,
They don't know the tragedy nor have they seen the sword,
Hanging above our heads, because our lives are His.
Have they seen the tears that go with it,
Or the pain hidden behind a smiling mask,
Have they felt how you tremble your lip,
When He told you about your new task?
Have I felt your sorrows, your pain in the leg,
That the doctors took from you to save you?
Have I felt the pain when they put a new IV in,
Or the pain of acceptance of what you go through?
Have you realized what an example you are,
For the people who know you and who love you?
Your spirit is so strong, your mind so bright,
Thanks to Him who comforts and loves us all, too.
You are and will be the one who touches many lives,
You will tell us to hang in there, because it is worth it,
You will be our proof that these three words are still alive,
You will tell us that we must Never Give Up !!!.