

All I can do is a one subject, one shot study- some people
accept them. - some don't. At the moment we are a 3 walker,
2 tens units and one car family. We use the light weight
walker to put in the car. David can use a cane, so far I
cannot. I keep trying , because that is the only way I will
be able to. I try only in the bedroom and near the bed, so
falling will be safe. I am getting better. To encourage my
self I bought some pretty canes- who need plain ones for a
long, long time

As to the tens unit I was ( am ) going to try it where David
had a severe back injury and not on the PD- I think we can
tell the difference, if not we can always turn it off.  We
are both pretty battered but had a lot of fun, still do, but
not it is talking and watching the grand kids.

Those tens units help a lot. They are not so good near the
back surgery I had ( five months ago ) . I have to put the
electrodes too far away from the incision. Being a patients
teaches one a lot.- not what you really want to learn. I
have found out about lidocaine patches. They work for the
surgical area and knee. If you didn't have to take them off
in 12 hours I would just plaster them every where. Would
they possibly help PD.

Bob, if they release endorphins why don't the help PD. I
think it is obvious I have had no medical training but years
of nursing. Not once in all of those classes did they
mention endorphins or tens units. Why don't you give us a
lecture so that we may understand more.  Thanks , Nita