

Hello My list family,

I just got back from a surgical consultation.  On February 6,2001 I will be
going in for mouth surgery to have 4 teeth cut out of my mouth.  I will be
staying with my parents starting on the 5th of February.  I would appreciate
your prayers.  Surgery of any kind always taxes the Pd and recovery takes
time.  God has blessed me with two wonderful caregivers, my Mama and Daddy.
Also keep in your thoughts and prayers that my recovery will go quickly so
that my parents can go on a scheduled 42nd Anniversary trip on February the
11th to Buloxi, Mississippi.  They deserve all the best.  Thanks for the
ever present support and loving shoulder that I always find available here.

Much love,

Sandy Norris

The joy of the Lord is my strength.

"You will find as you look back on your life that moments when you have
truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of
love."  Henry Drummond