

Sandi-- please join CARE right away---I just re-posted how to do it, and we
are in the midst of a big discussion re: feeding tubes!

>Dear group,
>I just joined this list.  My father is 79 and has advanced Parkinsons.
>He has Community Based Medicaid and lives in my home.  My mother is the
>primary caregiver and has 40 hours a week help from an aide provided by
>A few weeks ago my father started yelling all the time and repeating
>words.  He would do it in the middle of the night and started getting
>very almost violent.  He refused to take his pills a lot and he has lost
>a lot of weight.  We talked to the doctors and different people and
>finally put him in the hospital to have a "psychiatric evaluation" where
>they will evaluate his medications.
>Has anyone had this kind of experience?  I talked to one woman who said
>her father-in-law yelled like that and died 6-8 months later.
>Also - I would like to know about feeding tubes.  When my dad was in the
>nursing home there was a man that was on one but he was totally
>unresponsive like he was in a coma.  The case above (father-in-law) they
>chose not to use a feeding tube.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
            <[log in to unmask]>

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