

PMS sufferers 'consider suicide'

Monday, 5 February, 2001, 11:02 GMT - The pain and misery of pre-menstrual
syndrome can be so bad that 50% of women who suffer from the problem have
considered suicide, research has found.

A study for the Women's Nutritional Advisory Service (WNAS) found that more
than eight out of 10 PMS sufferers feel violent and aggressive for up to
two weeks before their periods.

Most sufferers feel depressed, and eight out of ten said PMS had affected
their relationship with their partner.

The survey indicates that more women now suffer from PMS than five years ago.

The WNAS says that doctors are failing to treat sufferers effectively.

In some cases they are merely offering powerful anti-depressants such as
Prozac, or advising women to have a hysterectomy.

Up to 40% of women seek medical help for PMS symptoms.

However, it is thought that many others simply suffer in silence.

Between 2% and 4% are forced to take up to two days off work every month
because of the severity of their symptoms.

The WNAS survey of 400 women with mild to severe PMS follows similar
studies conducted in 1985 and 1996.

The new study found:

* 57% of sufferers have contemplated suicide - a rise of 7% on 1996
* 97% have mood swings
* 94% suffer from anxiety
* 92% feel depressed
* 84% feel violent and aggressive
* 73% of women suffer from loss of libido - an increase of 13% from five
years ago

Maryon Stewart, founder of the WNAS, said many doctors were simply not
providing adequate care.

She said: "It seems bizarre in the extreme to think that at a time when we
can send women to the moon and clone new organs, the only thing
conventional medicine has to offer would result in either a permanent state
of zombyism or having a premature menopause and the increased risks of
osteoporosis and heart disease accompanying that scenario."

The WNAS offers a programme that claims to alleviate the symptoms of PMS by
changes in diet, nutritional supplements and an exercise and relaxation

As well as psychological symptoms, PMS is associated with a range of
physical symptoms including: bloating, breast tenderness, swelling of feet
and ankles, fluid retention and weight gain, headaches, food cravings,
acne, low energy, palpitations, dizziness, and backaches or muscle pain.

Many researchers believe that PMS symptoms are related to cyclic
fluctuations in the level of the female sex hormones during the menstrual

However, other researchers have suggested that PMS may be related to
hypoglycemia (abnormally low blood sugar), hypothyroidism (abnormally low
levels of thyroid hormones) or a dietary deficiency of B vitamins, calcium
or magnesium.

Related to this story:
Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (21 May 99 | Medical notes)
'Two-thirds of women have PMS' (08 Nov 00 | Health)
GPs seize on Prozac to treat PMS (29 Sep 00 | Health)

Internet links:
Women's Nutritional Advisory Service
Pre-menstrual syndrome
Women's Health

BBC News Online: Health

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