


There are always two ways of looking at things. Being
the depressed mode, you are seeing the darkness, when
the sunlight is right behind you. Turn around, change
the way you think, and life won't look so bad.

You said you read several articles on depression - that
means you have an education. Most people in this world
can't read.

You wrote the email to the list - that means you have a
computer. You aren't isolated like so many PWPs. You
are attached to the world beyond your normal reach.

You're having surgery Monday - Wonderful! You live in a
place where you can receive medical help, you have
insurance companies fighting over you and you are
receiving medication. There are millions of people in
this world who will never receive the kind of help you
are getting, who have no medication and no insurance.

Having bills means you were able to buy things. You
have a wife, who acts as your caretaker and who worries
about you. You have a car. Your wife has a job. What
wonderful blessings you have!

And you are scheduled to have a DBS? Wow. How beautiful
life is!

Some people see roses, others see the thorns. It all
boils down to this - life is as YOU make it.

Here's a hug and a smile. Pass it on to your wife, your
doctor, your insurance contacts, the Medicare people,
the bill collectors and everyone elae that may pass
through your life. Everyone needs a hug.

Then turn inward and hug yourself, for you are a good

Jerry Finch
Habitat for Horses, Inc. A 501.c.3 nonprofit
bringing humans and horses together to heal
one another. Your donations can save a life.