

> Also - I would like to know about feeding tubes.  When my dad was in the
> nursing home there was a man that was on one but he was totally
> unresponsive like he was in a coma.  The case above (father-in-law) they
> chose not to use a feeding tube.

Sandi, feeding tubes are placed in people who have difficulty swallowing, so
folks who are alert and oriented to time, place and self may have one if
they have a history of aspiration pneumonia and fail a swallowing evaluation
(aspiration pneumonia occurs when  food enters the trachea instead of the
esophagus because of an inadequate swallowing reflex).

If your father is losing weight because he can no longer swallow
affectivity, a 'stomach tube' or PEG might be a consideration.  They are
easy to maintain and provide adequate nutrition to the person who cannot eat
enough food to maintain a decent weight or condition.
God bless
Mary Ann (CG Jamie 61/21)