

David-- why not also ask at these websites?

1. This website is maintained by the U. of Cincinnati, Case Western Reserve
U., and  Ohio State U. Among other things, you can ask  questions of
doctors in many specialties. Ask Dr. Arif Dalvi (Peter's neuro) about PD.
Click on  the Ask an Expert section, then click on Parkinsons in the list
of diseases.  You'll get a
>brief answer in a couple of days.

2.    The Ask Dr Lieberman site .This page of the NPF website is a good
place to get
information, similar to the Ask An Expert page on the NetWellness site I
have recommended.  Please make use of it when you are curious, need info to
prepare for a neuro appointment, etc.


It is simple to "join", and you can also read messages without joining.
When you search for a word, you will get a list of mssages, and if you
highlight one and click on "view message" it will appear.
You can add another to this list: The Parkinson's Disease Foundation's
website also has an Ask the Expert section.  Most questions are answered
within one business day while others may take up to two or three business
days.  The site's address is:


>I have an appointment to see the eye doc, but that isn't until next month.
>I'm just curious if any of you have the same thing.   I asked a different
>eye doc about it last year but didn't get much of an answer.
>David Meigs
>[log in to unmask]

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
            <[log in to unmask]>

           on the web at
           and also at

               "Ask me about the CARE list for Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "
           And visit the CARE webring at