

At 19:07 2001/02/09 EST, Katie Wolfe wrote:
>I followed up on your reference to the vision problems article
>by J. Winterkorn.  First, I have difficulty getting around on
>your website, and,second, the two-part article is not accessible
>to me because I do not have a medical background and I do not
>know all those medical words and phrases, I am not a
>neuro-opthamalogist.  You often put items, particularly
>descriptions of medical studies, on the list that are totally
>incomprehensible, to me, and I assume to others, because I do
>not know the medical words.  I am aware that you are medically
>trained, and that these medical words come very easy for you.
>I would just ask that you be aware that there are people out
>here who are interested in your postings and who appreciate
>your work but we have no idea sometimes what you are talking
>about.  Sometimes we need a translation or further quidance
>from you.  Just a suggestion because I would like to be able
>to read your postings rather than skipping over them, Katie

hi katie

i have no medical training
i am just naturally nosy!

my website just passed the 12,000 hits mark (yikes!)
and i am grateful that so many people have found it useful


janet paterson, an akinetic rigid subtype parkie
53 now / 44 dx cd / 43 onset cd / 41 dx pd / 37 onset pd
TEL: 613 256 8340 SMAIL: PO Box 171 Almonte Ontario K0A 1A0 Canada
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