

Murray Charters wrote:
> Hey Ray Strand..... Whattaya think??  New Labs! ...... murray
> Science Moves to Unlock Human Protein Secrets
> Justin Gillis  - Washington Post Service
> Saturday, February 10, 2001
> Huge Effort Shapes Up to Exploit Genome Map Behind new brick walls
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  BIG SNIP OF BIG THINGS   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I'm here.

Thanks for the info.

Sometimes I would like to move back to the big city
and sit at a microscope
or do tissue culture and electrophoresis--
watch the mapping of the genome up close
but, middle aged, raising a family, having PD, etc...
precludes fantasies of moving.
I will have to be satisfied to watch from here.

It may be a good time for some, to be in this business.
I talked to my old boss over the holidays--
still at the U of Rochester,
there is much enthusiasm about the potential
that she has seen for the past 20 years.

The future is hard to comprehend--
it holds revolutionary prospects.
fortunately funding is being increased to tap some of this potential

This is like the days of building more and more powerful particle accelerators,
or walking on the moon,
or when Linus Pauling revolutionized chemistry by connecting it to physics.

All this may seem abstract--
beyond microscopic--molecular
DNA code
defining genes and what they do
part of which is making protiens
super computers extrapolating models of protiens
from the DNA and RNA template
maybe 20 billion possible
seems huge, slow, and tedious
but, so was sequencing the genome
until it became an international effort
and automated gene machines sped things up.

We have arrived at a time when
something very fundamental has been defined--
and it will change our world.

Like translating the theory of relativity
into a  fission reaction over Hiroshima.

The discussion about ethics and morality
of some forms of stem cell research--
pale before this onslought of information
which can be used to create value or anti-value.

I hope the human race is ready for this.

                                 Ray Strand
                             Prairie Sky Design
 -----------------(   on  the Edge of the Prairie Abyss  )---------------
                          when  the  sky  is  clear
                            the ground is visible

                     49/dx PD 2 yrs/40? onset/retired