

every 6 months i got to get a slip from my nero to say i still am able to try but got to take the driving part only. and VIVIAN checks me to see if i am in a shape to drive. only go strait up the street about 3 miles to the mall. am fighting whithnthe cityto put a bike path a long side of the street.  then i could use my elec. cart. oh I changed A FEW THINGS IN POSTING. as where i live and so on as i seem to be theonly one oh Joe b does. typing is a chore for me as i hit to many of the same letter and got to go back and delete. my PC  went south for a spell and my baby has not put some stuff back, when sis gets done whith my web page in she will do more for me. right now she is on speaking tour. and i whent or VIVIAN did i am going to to have a rubber thing whith my name so i just can stamp things that need my name. as no bady or have trouble reading it as well as me writeing it. check whith your bank.  OH HAPPY VALENTIME DAY. 

                                                       I.Y.Q.   DON  AND  VIVIAN
                                                         LOVE OF MY LIFE-55

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