

Barbara Smith called our attention to this on CARE-- it is from the NPF
website page "Products of Interest".

I have seen this walker mentioned several times  on PIEN, but never was
aware that Medicare will fully reimburse a PWP for it !

>U-Step Walking StabilizerTM was designed with Parkinson's in mind. Its wide,
     >  U-shaped base and unique wheel formation makes it extremely stable
for those
      > who are prone to falls. Only 22 inches wide, the walker
conveniently turns in
       >place and easily maneuvers in and out of tight places, passing
through doorways
       >and aisles. The rolling speed of this walker can be adjusted - an
important feature
      >for those with Parkinson's. As of October of 1999, Medicare has
agreed to fully
       >reimburse the U-Step for those with Parkinson's disease. Also, if
you purchase a
       >U-Step as a result of being informed via the NPF website, U-Step
will donate $25
       >for each unit sold to NPF. For more information, call 1-800-558-7837.

This might be something to look into .

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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