

For those in Sacramento and Alameda Counties of California:

Sacramento Bee:  Byline:  Nancy Weaver Teichert 2-3 weeks ago
"Disabled, caregivers to get more help online"

"Older disabled adults and their often-overworked caregivers will have a
new place to turn for help that is a click away.

Sacramento County has teamed with Alameda County to win a $2.2 million
state grant to create a model Web site that will offer comprehensive
listings of advice and services....................

People using the Web site will be able to offer restricted access to their
own personal records online for family members who may live elsewhere but
want to monitor their care.

The personal records, available only through a password, will help people,
their families and caregivers keep track of doctor appointments, test
results, medication and other details.

All WEb site information will be detailed and specific to Sacramento and
Alameda counties with the hope that the service eventually can be expanded

The Web site can be used by seniors, disabled adults, their families and
caregivers, either by computer or over the telephone with a new technology
for those without a computer.

Called the Care NETwork, the Web site will begin development in February
with an anticipated debut online in six months.  Information also will be
offered in Spanish and Cantonese.

About 338,000 people with functional impairments live in Sacramento and
Alameda counties.  There are about 800 agencies in each county providing
services to them."
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