

Murray 'n Margaret....

Let's make that we're thrilled at Margaret's GREAT news and GREAT recovery,

And I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the candid reporting of the
experience that was shared with us.  My virtual  hat's off to you...

It seems to me that so many NON-Parkinson's-folks who wanna talk about the
great new PD brain surgery "CURES" (don't we all wish?) thinking DBS is a "ho
hum" kinda surgery akin to perhaps getting a nose job <chuckling to self,
'cause when I was 20 I HAD my nose done and to this day I'm pleased with the
results.  But at 20 I'd NEVER have thought I'd have had BRAIN surgery
(successful Pallidotomy, 10/24/94), and would have been more thrilled with
the latter than the former!?

Thanks again for the candid reporting, Margaret, and posting by our
"Johnny-on-the-spot" reporter, Murray!   

Barb Mallut

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