

OHHHH BOY, Home Boy (otherwise known as John C.) I'm SOOOO glad you posted
your "Tales from the LISTSERV Rubbish Bin" message!  

I have tried and tried to post original messages (work originating FROM me to
the LISTSERV m and always - ALWAYS - received a "You're out in left field,
baby" type replies from  the ($*(Q$#) MAIL  DAEMON..  Then my message'd be
returned to my email.

I tried every one of those buttons on Phil T.'s "Quick and Easy to Set your
Email Up"
and each of THOSE instruction messages were retired by claiming there was no
such thing as a "LISTSERV" address (or something like that - I've forgotten
the exact wording).

Consequently, the only way I've been able to get an original message posted
to the LISTSERV is to REPLY to someone ELSE'S message!  Whadda pain in the
uhhh --- tushie <cocky but rueful grin>

If you can set my email to "set repo" (I THINK that's the correct setting -
the setting that sends YOU a copy of each message YOU address to the List?? )
I'd appreciate it immensely!

NOW ---- if ya could only tell this darn AOL to quit correcting my
PUNCTUATION I'd know you are a MAGICIAN, 'cause that blankety-blank AOL email
program sure own't pay attention to what I tell it to do! <'nother grin>

Thanks for all you do on the list FOR the List, John.  Your time and efforts
on out behalf ARE appreciated.

Barb Mallut

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