

For All Caregivers.

Hold my hand for I am afraid,
I cannot do anything without your aid.
Stay patient, stay gentle, yours is a hard task,
Try to remember me before my face was a mask.
My Parkinson illness is here to stay,
I have this feeling that it will not go away.
Slow and clumsy my coordination a mess,
Each day you give me more not less.
Muscles have no more power you know,
Every thing I do is so very slow.
I cannot help you when you me dress,
Or what is worse when you clean up my mess.
A piteous effort on my part,
When my body is literally falling apart.
Once there was nothing that I could not do,
My darling now I must rely on you.
Now you too are getting older and frail,
Who is to help me if and when you fail?
I speak to you but my voice is so weak,
You have to strain whenever I speak.
I have difficulties to find a word,
I do not know if you have heard.
Writing to tell you of my great love,
Is all I can do now my sweet dove?
I cannot always caress your cheek,
The strength in my arms is very weak
My love for you now and in the past,
Is the only thing that I know will last?
I am a rich person when I bask in your love,
You know I am gentle not the kind to shove.
Your love is gentle you were never rough,
You never waiver when things are tough.
What did I do to make you love me?
I was a no-body what in me did you see.
Whatever it was I am grateful to you,
You made me happy to you I am true.
This burden of illness is sometimes too great.
I just thank the good Lord that you are my mate.
                                                 Bernard Shaw.
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