

The biology of humour

Sunday, 25 February, 2001, 22:07 GMT - Scientists are getting a glimpse of
how jokes are processed by the human brain.

Brain scans show that puns and other types of joke are deciphered in
different regions.

But to actually appreciate a joke, and have a good laugh, requires the use
of a central pathway in the brain.

The finding could explain why some people lose their sense of humour
following damage to a particular part of the brain.

To investigate the biology of humour, researchers based at York University
in Toronto, Canada, and the Institute of Neurology in London, UK, carried
out brain scans on 14 volunteers while their subjects listened to jokes.

They chose two types of joke: so-called semantic jokes, such as "What do
engineers use for birth control?...Their personalities" and puns like "Why
did the golfer wear two sets of pants?...He got a hole in one".

Laughing was discouraged while scanning was in progress but afterwards each
volunteer rated the jokes on a funniness scale of one to five.

[Brain cell] Areas of the brain known to be involved in the processing of
language were active while the subjects processed semantic jokes.

Different areas of the brain, involved in speech production, lit up when
the subjects deciphered puns.

But for both types of jokes, the authors found activation in an area of the
brain called the medial prefrontal cortex, which controls reward-related

Furthermore, activation in this region correlated with the subjects'
funniness ratings.

The authors conclude that separate systems in the brain process different
types of jokes. But the pleasure associated with "getting" a joke involves
shared circuitry, they say.

The research, published on Sunday in the journal Nature Neuroscience,
throws light on the biological nature of humour, and could explain why some
types of brain damage affect humour appreciation.

Humour has a complex role in thought, communication and social
interactions, and it may be unique to humans.

Related to this story:
Rats 'like a laugh' (01 May 98 | Sci/Tech)
Scientists find sense of humour (12 Feb 98 | Sci/Tech)
Laugh till you drop (03 Sep 99 | Health)
Laughter 'protects the heart' (15 Nov 00 | Health)

Internet links:
Institute of Neurology, London
York University, Toronto
Nature Neuroscience

BBC News Online: Sci/Tech

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