

Dear Sandra,
   I read your letter yesterday afternoon - as  usual you describe so
well exactly what so many others experience. Then when I got home I found
the new issue of the Young Parkinson's Newsletter from the APDA Young
Parkinson's I & R Center in the mail. Coincidentally (???) there on the
front page was -- "Pain in Parkinson's Disease" by Dr. Michael Rezak,
stating that indeed pain can be a symptom of PD. The article states that
about 40-50% of PD patients experience pain and/or sensoryy complaints.
Also there is now evidence that the basal ganglia part of the brain
disordered in PD also plays a role in processing sensory information.

Dr. Rezak is the medical director of the center. Their newletter, edited
by Susan Reese, coordinator of the center is always excellent - You can
get on the mailing list by calling the center at 800-223-9776. Their
previous newsletters are onlline  at

 Perhaps this article should be sent to Web MD!!!!