

comment follows
just my opinion

Murray Charters wrote:
> Friday, 23 February, 2001, 17:45 GMT
> Tissue transplant advance
> Stem cells have the ability to develop into any type of cell in the body

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> Commercial secret

This is what privitization of research does.
Economic pressure forces commercial,  trade secrets,
rather than open public sharing through scientific peer review and reproducability.
We are intentionally forcing this in the U S of A with
our policy for the sourcing of embroyonic human stem cells.

The military and economics are "hard power",
consider what "soft power" altenatives can do.

Celera seems so generous in sharing its' human genome datase,
as many other genomes are being decoded. Is it just PR,
or true generosity? or is there so much potential to reap profit,
that it is a negligable lost opportunity?

> PPL Therapeutics is keeping full details of the technique used a secret
> for commercial reasons. But Dr Ron James, managing director of the
> Edinburgh-based biotech company, revealed the early findings of the
> work at a meeting of the British Fertility Society in London.
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> Dolly was cloned by scientists at PPL and the Roslin Institute, Scotland
> "The results of this experiment give us confidence that the method we
> are developing as a source of stem cells is working and I believe it will
> be equally applicable to humans," said Dr James.

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> ******************
                                 Ray Strand
                             Prairie Sky Design
 -----------------(   on  the Edge of the Prairie Abyss  )---------------
                          when  the  sky  is  clear
                            the ground is visible

                     49/dx PD 2 yrs/40? onset/retired