

About Ivan-- i think the  people in the house are caregivers who are
probably taking care of the house and the cat in Ivan's absence.  While he
knows they are there, and maybe needs them there for now, he can't really
stop their using his PC. I don;t think there's anything to worry about, as
everyone now knows the situation.
Glad your virus got trapped---how's Vivian doing?

>was there not put on the list of t  he things for you give  to the
>hospital when you had togo. all you need to do was to fill it out and
>print. inmy files at the hospital ii use is a file aboutme being a PWP
>they ask if theire is any changes to make.befor you check in they run your
>name through theire pc.  oh about IVAN why does he or the law lock his
>house or take his pc out of the house. or call his server not to let mail
>be used. or call BARB P to not let email go through . or have a pass word.
>just asking. and nortan 2001 stoped a vivias from coming thrugh. this is
>the 3rd time. I am a good looking litle guy who carys a big stick so when
>we meet say hello to my buddy.
>[log in to unmask]
>                                                         I.Y.Q.  DON  AND
>                                                             LOVE OF MY

   ************  JUST TO SAY  "HI"----   FROM CAMILLA   ****************

<[log in to unmask]>

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