

Margie et al,

Whoa!  Hold on a minute!

The article actually says:

"It would allow [ALLOW] senior citizens to choose a private health plan,
with Medicare paying part of the premium."  It goes on to say:

"Under the Breaux-Frist plan, patients would receive at least the same
benefits they do now. Prescription drug coverage would be subsidized on a
sliding scale, based on income, with lower-income citizens paying nothing."

I believe President Bush is ADDING OPTIONS... "It would ALLOW..."   not
"FORCE"....  this gives seniors more flexibility....  not taking things away
from us.

ACTUALLY...  lower and mid-income PWPs will be BETTER OFF:

"On Jan. 29, Bush sent Congress a plan to help Medicare patients pay for
prescription drugs. The plan, "Immediate Helping Hand," would give states
$48 billion over four years to cover the full cost of drugs for the poorest
senior citizens, and some of the cost for those slightly better off. After
the four years, Bush would have the government pay at least one-fourth of
all seniors' premium costs for prescription drug coverage."

Based on this and other articles and news stories over the last six
months... I take a totally different message away from reading this
article!!!    :-)

All the best,



-----Original Message-----
From: Dick Swindler [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 2:19 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Bush to Cancel Medicare; Seniors and Disabled Must get Private

 <A HREF="">
Click here: Bush Urges Congress To Revamp Medicare (

President Bush has called for revamping Medicare by having seniors and the
disabled obtain insurance from private companies.  He proposed giving a
sum to Medicare recipients which they can apply against the cost of private

Bush's budget leaves Congress little choice but to institute some sort of
draconian reform NOW, because he has placed the entire Medicare trust fund
into his budget as his "contingency fund."  Sen. Kent Conrad pointed out to
Mitch Daniels, of the White House Budget Office, that there didn't appear to
be any line item listings for either education or military spending.
agreed that those would have to come out of the "contingency fund."  That
means the entire Medicare Trust fund would disappear in the FY 2002 budget.

Bush has offered no details of how his insurance plan would roll out.  I
of very few companies who will agree to insure either those over 65 or the
disabled.  An uninsured PD friend of ours attempted to buy private insurance
a few years ago.  After a lengthy search she found a company that would
insure her - at a cost of $1000 a month.   It seems to me that we have no
guarantee that insurance companies would agree to accept Medicare recipients
at all.  If they did, I would expect rates to be exhorbitant and for there
be exclusions for pre-existing conditions.   The end result, it seems to me,
will be a nation of uninsured seniors and disabled.

Even in the event that we can find insurance, we'd be in the position of
battling the insurance companies for payment for many routine treatments.
Seniors and the disabled are, in my opinion, the least able to fend for
themselves against a big insurance company.

I'm afraid we'll have no say in heading off this disastrous plan.  It
seems to be set in motion by the design of the tax cut and budget plan.
However, we need to spread the word and write, phone, and fax our
congressmen.  If you have Republican representatives in Congress, you might
want to send letters to the Democrats as well.

I'll forward a mail site that allows you to write group letters to Congress.

Margie Swindler