

Sex hormone could help mental health

Wednesday, 28 February, 2001, 19:33 GMT - The female sex hormone oestrogen
could be used to help treat schizophrenics, say scientists.

An Australian psychiatrist has discovered that treating patients with
oestrogen can reduce the symptoms of the illness.

Schizophrenia affects about one in a hundred men and women, who suffer a
range of symptoms from hallucinations, delusions and jumbled thoughts.

Although antipsychotic drugs like risperidone have been shown to help many
people still suffer these.

But researchers have suspected for some time that oestrogen can help
protect against schizophrenia, because women suffer a milder version of the
disease than men and it usually strikes them later in life.

Studies in animals also suggest that oestrogen alters the activity of
dopamine and serotonin, two brain chemicals which are disrupted in

Dr Jayashri Kulkarni, a psychiatrist at the Duandenong Psychiatry Research
Centre, in Melbourne, treated 12 schizophrenic women with both oestrogen
skin patches and risperidone for a month.

In New Scientist magazine she explains that the dose of oestrogen was about
twice as high as that used in the contraceptive pill.

She compared her results with a control group of 12 women just receiving
risperidone and found those taking oestrogen as well had fewer symptoms.

"Several patients in the oestrogen group went from having terrible voices
and hallucinations to that subsiding over a few days.

"That was very striking. With antipsychotic drugs you may get an initial
sedative effect, but you are usually waiting for seven days or more for the
full effect," she said.

John McGrath, director of the Queensland Centre for Schizophrenia in
Brisbane said the research was very hopeful for finding treatment for

He said: "It's very promising. There's a real interest in finding
treatments that augment antipsychotic drugs."

Gary Hogman, head of policy and campaigns at the National Schizophrenia
Fellowship, said the research offers hope, but that he would want to see
more research.

He said: "Any research that offers hope of a better understanding of
schizophrenia and improvements in its treatment is welcome.

"This is a very small study that requires confirmation in the longer term."

Related to this story:
Artifical brain to spot schizophrenia (21 Feb 01 | Health)
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Schizophrenia: The facts (20 Dec 00 | Medical notes)
Schizophrenia drug dispute intensifies (03 Dec 00 | Health)
Schizophrenia test moves closer (01 Nov 00 | Health)

Internet links:
National Schizophrenia Fellowship
New Scientist

BBC News Online: Health

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