


Jane Ross wrote:
> My daughter is having a baby in a couple of weeks and she has been asked
> if she wants to freeze her umbilical blood. Can someone tell me how it would
> be used in research?

it would not necessarily go for research
though if that is what she wants
she could probablly find someone interested
in using it for research

there are collection procedures to follow
involving anti-coagulants, sterility, container/labelling,
temperature for short term storage, shippig,  etc...

back in 1980
i used to be on call to collect cord blood
(it seemed like babies liked to come in the middle of the night)
the blood was VERY determined to coagulate
so there was some urgency to get it into culture pronto
despite the usual blood anti-coagulants
it would turn into a gob
and the cells would not be easily suspended in the cultur media
we were looking at the chromosomes of the babies
of mothers exposed to a certain anti-epileptic drug
nothing came of the study

back to your daughter and her baby's cord blood

it could be frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen
to be thawed at a later time...years later...if needed
to treat serious diseases (like leukemia)
providing stem cell transplant material
that would be perfectly matched to the child
  ex vivo autoplant

there is a company that provides storage
and charges for it
i didn't hang onto their website info
try searching

the full potential is not yet evident
but, more will be in the future

> jjjane


                                 Ray Strand
                             Prairie Sky Design
 -----------------(   on  the Edge of the Prairie Abyss  )---------------
                          when  the  sky  is  clear
                            the ground is visible

                     49/dx PD 2 yrs/40? onset/retired