

Bob and all -

The fact of the matter is that pig cells do "take" when placed in the human

One of the participants in Genzyme/Diacrin's Phase 1 study died from an
unrelated condition.  An autopsy of his brain showed that the implanted cells
had indeed survived.  I am a member of this first group of 12 patients.

It has been over 4 years since my procedure and I am here to tell you that it
has made an enormous difference in my life.  Before the surgery I used a
cane, then a walker, and finally a wheelchair was needed more frequently.  I
couldn't cut food very well, my speech was poor, etc.

Now, the cane, walker, and wheelchair are in the garage.  Two weeks ago I
traveled alone to Washington, DC.  This would have been impossible before the

I am NOT cured nor do I feel this medical technology is for everyone.  And we
have no idea how long the cells will function.  But the facts are simple.  I
am doing and feeling better.

Again, read my online diary about all this:

Warmly -
