

Have just read your post and will join in the discussion with/for another

1.  We are all aware of personality changes/psychological changes with the
medications/PD.....and not being with any patient for a 24/7 period are
probably not able to thoroughly understand the conditions or what they
describe their conditions to be.  I do think this must be considered if we
are talking about Ivan or John Doe with PD.  As Greg commented....the nurses
tend to have a bit different view of Ivan's care.

2.  We know only one side of the situation that existed in Portland.......and
Ivan did request/take himself to the hospital many times.  I thought I read
that he was in a hospital near family member for the past several weeks.

3.  Someone/some agency is paying the bill for Ivan's care right now.  He is
receiving 24 hour care and food/medication and heat and cleanliness to meet
his daily needs.   It may not be the choice he would make for himself....but
sometimes it is must be understood that he who pays the bill makes some of
the decisions.

4.  Sometimes the other family members do not exist.....or cannot help for
reasons that we are not aware of on this list.....and that is their family

5.  My sister worked as a visiting nurse/visiting physical therapist for
several years when her children were preschoolers.  Then she went to work as
a PT at a nursing home.  Many of her patients at the nursing home were the
same patients she had seen as a visiting PT in their homes.  These PATIENTS
complained in the nursing home....about food, temp, noise, newspapers,
sunshine, etc.  Jean's comment was "I used to see these same patients at
home...and they had forgotten when they arrived at the nursing home that they
used to complain and have fears at home also"... about food (inability to
prepare/buy/delivery whatever)....heat/cool (expense/maintenance/
work to keep it going).....Loneliness, fear, nighttime, transportation, yard
work, in home help.    In other matter where we are some of us
will find reason to complain.......and others of us will not.

In a perfect world we would all be maintained in the garden setting, in a
home of our choice, with 24 hour care.  The world is not perfect and neither
are we.  We do not know how many people with disabilities are treated with
how many $ in Portland or Wahoo.  We don't have the whole story.......

Nursing homes referred to as really a bit much......and
a bit irritating to some of us who have paid for years to have a parent well
cared for in a nursing home.  I have one family member within 800 miles, and
four within 2000 miles and will probably have to accept a long term care
facility for myself some day.

Rita Weeks  56/11