

Paper And Pen.

Paper and a pen that is poised to write,
The time, it is in the middle of the night.
Inspiration flows down to my hand,
Perhaps a discharge from my pituitary gland.
Pictures flow through to my brain,
I discard them again, and again.
Something special, I sit and wait,
It is slow in coming and it is getting late.
On the horizon a shadow vague,
Perhaps I should write about the plague.
But no that has been done before,
After all I do not want to be a bore.
Shall I write about perpetual love?
Or about the Angels high up above?
I could write about impetuous youth,
Not now I'm afraid, I am too old in the tooth.
I have written before about spring flowers,
The way that I have spent many happy hours.
Perhaps I should just put my pen away,
And hope to write another day.

© Bernard Shaw

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