Fetal cell implants v Sinemet

Mary Ann,

Your answer, below, is wonderful!  How about Requip?

I hope to be a candidate for stem cell implants as soon as they become available.  Just yesterday I had a debate with my neuro.  I said that, if possible, I want to stay off brain medicines until I can get a stem cell implant.  I'm taking this position on the premise that the residual effects of the medicine might interfere with the stem cell implant... just based on my intuition.

Your anwer indicates you know about the neurological and/or morphological effects of long term usage of such meds.

What about Requip?   Do you know what effects it could have?

Do you know where I might find more details on these matters, reported in near-layman's terms?

Many thanks!

Bill - PWP
New Jersey


-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Ann Ryan
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 9:42 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: NEWS: Parkinson's study using fetal cell implants has
disastrous results

Perhaps there is a caveat here - I wonder how many of the patients described
in the study had previously been on Sinemet and developed dyskinesia as a
consequence.  Such dyskinesia would only be enhanced by a successful fetal
transplant.  However, patients who have never received Sinemet might have
far different results because they would not have developed the sensitive
dopamine receptor reaction that is a byproduct of Sinemet.
God bless
Mary Ann (CG Jamie 61/21)