

Fetal cell implants v Sinemet

I hope to be a candidate for stem cell implants as soon as they become available.  Just yesterday I had a debate with my neuro.  I said that, if possible, I want to stay off brain medicines until I can get a stem cell implant.  I'm taking this position on the premise that the residual effects of the medicine might interfere with the stem cell implant... just based on my intuition.


A Ph.D. pharmacologist spoke to our PD support group recently and related that one administration of Sinemet (in some patients) is enough to cause dopamine receptor cell problems that lead to dyskinesia.  One wonders if patients who had  never received Sinemet had the same problems with dykinesia post fetal transplant as those who received Sinemet?  I'm curious to know if such Sinemet free patients were part of the fetal transplant study??


As far as I know, Requip and Mirapex do not cause dopamine receptor cell problems - but then, I'm not a neurologist.  Perhaps Dr. Fink could comment.


God bless

Mary Ann